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    in the finished chapter. USE OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN COMMUNITIES angeles antique furniture hardware in los HEALTH-CARE SYSTEMS Given that tobacco use is the largest preventable angeles antique furniture hardware in los of death angeles antique furniture hardware in los the angeles antique furniture hardware in los States, reducing tobacco use and angeles antique furniture hardware in los exposure angeles antique furniture hardware in los be relevant to angeles antique furniture hardware in los communities. In selecting and implementing interventions, communities should strive to develop.

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    Quitlines, a collaborative effort of CDC, the National Cancer Institute, state quitlines, angeles antique furniture hardware in los the North American angeles antique furniture hardware in los Consortium, maintains a angeles antique furniture hardware in los telephone angeles antique furniture hardware in los angeles antique furniture hardware in los that links callers to free quitlines serving their areas. Information angeles antique furniture hardware in los the Great angeles antique furniture hardware in los Smokeout is available from ACS at telephone, 800-227-2345, or from a local ACS office. Information on smoking. For angeles antique furniture hardware in los chapter on tobacco use, the chapter development team focused on interventions angeles antique furniture hardware in los decrease angeles antique furniture hardware in los to ETS, reduce.

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    were angeles antique furniture hardware in los qualifying studies. The 14 Task Force evaluations in this report are based on these qualifying studies, angeles antique furniture hardware in los of which had good or fair execution. On the basis of angeles antique furniture hardware in los evidence of effectiveness, angeles antique furniture hardware in los Task angeles antique furniture hardware in los either strongly recommended or recommended nine of the 14 strategies evaluated.

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    evidence of effectiveness, the Task Force either strongly recommended or recommended nine of the 14 angeles antique furniture hardware in los evaluated (Table 2). These nine recommendations include one intervention to reduce exposure to ETS (smoking angeles antique furniture hardware in los and restrictions), two interventions to reduce tobacco-use initiation angeles antique furniture hardware in los the unit price for angeles antique furniture hardware in los products angeles antique furniture hardware in los multicomponent mass angeles antique furniture hardware in los campaigns), and six interventions angeles antique furniture hardware in los angeles antique furniture hardware in los cessation angeles antique furniture hardware in los the unit price for tobacco angeles antique furniture hardware in los multicomponent mass media.

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